We have experience quantifying losses relating to unforeseen events that may cause business interruption, including fire, flood, expropriation or other issues, Economic loss evaluation involves understanding the nature of the business and analyzing the impact of the particular business interruption on business income. Our reports are used for insurance and civil litigation claims. Business Interruption Claims Surrey.
Sample files:
- Waterway Houseboats v. British Columbia (2019 - BCBC 581): This case involved the quantification of business losses as a result of a flood. Our expert report served to assist the court in determining damages.
- Loss due to fire: A restaurant/bakery experienced a fire which resulted in a loss of income by moving inventory and staff to another location during restoration. Our report assisted in explaining the extent of losses suffered by the business.
- Loss due to expropriation: A business lost customer traffic when the city installed a median making it difficult for customers to access the business. This created a loss of business income which was quantified in our report.