We have extensive experience helping individuals through the financial aspect of separation and divorce. Divorce Support Surrey.
Our services include:
This work involves a very detailed review of bank accounts and credit card statements to identify any unusual transactions. It also involves a review of changes in assets and debts over time.
We have experience reviewing personal and business income for the purposes of determining child and spousal support. We have reviewed the business activities of numerous businesses which factor into the income available to pay child and spousal support.
This service involves the comparison of income reported on tax forms and sources of income recorded in bank and credit card statements. This review can assist in supporting claims that income reported by a spouse is inconsistent with thhis/her lifestyle.
When a business forms part of the family assets to be divided, it is important to have an independent appraisal of the fair market value of the business. We have experience providing independent and joint valuation reports. For instance: