Forensic accounting is a detailed review of financial, accounting, tax, banking and other documents in order to investigate the finances of an individual or a business. It combines the analysis of all these areas to address issues. The results of the forensic review can help with settlement negotiations or if needed, can be used in court as expert evidence. Forensic Accounting Surrey.
Auditing involves checking that the financial statements or reports are supported by accounting records which represent financial transactions. Auditing checks that the appropriate accounting principles have been applied to represent the financial transactions in the financial statements. Forensic accounting or forensic auditing involves the review of the financial statements, accounting records, etc. to address an allegation or resolve a dispute. The pupose of which is to obtain evidence which can be used in court, if necessary.
Sometimes the issue relating to a forensic accounting investigation may involve fraudulent activity, but most often it relates to a dispute or misunderstanding between parties regarding how funds were used by an individual, a partner or within a corporation.
The biggest challenge is understanding the relevance of information and organizing documents to create a meaningful conclusion or pattern. With training and experience, we can sift through the information to obtain the most important and relevant information that can be overwhelming to an untrained individual.
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